Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good Bye My Little Babushka

"Good Bye My Little Babushka", were my husbands words to me as I headed out on my walk this afternoon with a scarf tied around my head. I simply do this to keep the wind out of my ears even during the summertime. I turned to him & said "If I find any Czars on my walk I will let you know."

My chance of running into a Czar on my walk was much greater than running into a Snipe. When I was a child my parents would send us out snipe hunting with a brown paper bag & would say, "Don't come back until you find a Snipe." I guess they needed some alone time....

While walking, I had a flash back of sitting on Gramp's lap in the evenings while he listened to Chet Huntley & David Brinkley. When watching Meet The Press, he would explain how important keeping up with the news & current events would be to my future. To be honest, I liked to watch Felix The Cat more than Huntley & Brinkley. But I will always remember Gramp's wisdom. Sometimes the news was upsetting to him & he would explain why. I loved sitting on his lap & listening to him share why he loved our great country.

What would Gramps think about our country feeling like they needed Czars? Now that I am a grandmother, will I be able to share with my grandson what our country was like before it had Czars, or will I be silenced?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fart Tax

My childhood memories have now been shattered. As stinky as it is to admit, nothing in my life, especially my childhood caused me to laugh more than farts. Think back, I bet if you were honest with yourself, your childhood memories were filled with laughter about farts, or laughter that made you fart. Take a moment & savor those memories.........
O.K. that moment is now over. Now our grand & glorious Uncle Sam, the stinkiest Uncle any of us ever had, no matter how flatulent our other Uncle's may have been, has really screwed up our memories. The poor bovine farmers! I imagine there are some boxes of manure that will be used to pay 2009 taxes. So, I say to you dear dear Uncle Sam, as one of all of our favorite Monty Python expressions, "I will fart in your general direction."

Friday, May 1, 2009

PaPa's Big Black Doctors Bag

Solution to Health Care in our Nation......Our Commander In Chief wants people that wave their little tea bags to present him with dialog on how to fix the health care situation.

I am a product of a family that communicated their love for the United States to me continually while they were raising me. All four grandparents had parents or great grandparents that chose to immigrate to the USA. All had solid patriotic family stories.

PaPa was an orthopaedic surgeon. He worked his way through med school. He treated patients regardless of their ability to pay. Sometimes they would pay him with a sack of potatoes grown in their garden. He was on call for himself 24 hours a day & made house calls. His patients truly appreciated him. He was humble & grateful to be in service for God & the citizens of our country. Almost every family dinner was interrupted with an emergency phone call. PaPa ate as quickly as possible, gave us a kiss & headed out the door with his Big Black Doctors Bag saying he'd be back in a few hours.

About the time PaPa retired, health care changed. Today's malpractice law suits are massive. It is good that doctors document their complete diagnosis & treatment on every patient. Many law suits are stopped dead in their tracks when the patients see the actual records presented. I don't know why it is more logical or efficient to have Federal Health Care programs.

My solution, or my dream: let the good doctors of the USA be the wonderful example my PaPa was. Get the federal bureaucracy out of medical care so our doctors can fulfill their Hippocratic oath.

Friday, March 27, 2009

No Idle Hands Knitter

No Idle Hands came about as a name for a small group at church. A favorite book read by our members is, No Idle Hands, The Social History of American Knitting, by Anne L. Macdonald. We all love this book!

While I knit for a friend, family member or charity, I am praying for them. Socks, Vests, Sweaters, Shawls, Mittens, Scarfs, Felted Back Packs, Hats & the Snow Suit for my grandson have all been knit with love and prayers for the recipient. This creative outlet is a blessing that blesses others.

It is spiritually healing to use your God Given talents. We each have been blessed with our own unique gifts. God works through us to bless others.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fierce Patriot? Absolutely!

Proud of their heritage, my parents, all four grandparents and my great grandfather each told their own stories. Love of God & Country, defending and sharing their own personal American Heritage was an innate part of raising a family.

Framed copies of the Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution were proudly displayed on our walls. We were taught how the members of our family tree played an important part in building America. A lesson sinking so deep in my core, I would never consider being anything but - a Fierce Patriot.